C++ with Jenny


Acquaint or reacquaint yourself with the background and basics of C++.  If you have little or no experience with this language, would like to refresh your knowledge, or simply have curiosity to view my perspective of valuable key information, read this concise overview!


Business industry and operations, specific programs and projects, a phase in the lifecycle of a product - these exemplify variables that may influence the selected version of C++ for a particular software solution.  Therefore, awareness and understanding of the evolution of C++ allows the integrity of the experienced software engineer to flourish.  Read this summary on versions to make sure you know the basic information.


A trusted list of resources helps promote efficient problem-solving.  See what I find as valuable resources for C++ news, best practices, syntax and semantics.  The foundation of this list begins with Bjarne Stroustrup.


Here is my collection of concise notes on various foundational topics.  My goal is to highlight key information, clearly and simply!